
Unidade de Projetos e Cooperação - UPC

EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum

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EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum - 15 – 16 July 2013

EMBO 2013The EMBO Young Scientists' Forum is aimed to bring together young European researchers in order to motivate and inspire students to pursue their career and education in life sciences. The meeting will provide the opportunity to European and Portuguese Ph.D. students, post-docs and junior investigators to interact with Europe's most promising young scientists, members of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme. Younger scientists (students and post-docs) will have a possibility to present their work as short talks and as posters. Poster sessions and a social event will provide friendly environment for informal discussions of the policies and practices for doing world-class science.

Instituto de Medicina Molecular
Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa

Deadline: 15 MAY 2013
Free Registration! Travel awards available!
Please register online:http://events.embo.org/13-EYSF

Files available for download:
Poster_EYSF_2013 (82.11 kB)

Sessão de Apresentação do Programa Cidadania Ativa/EEA Grants

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Sessão de Apresentação do Programa Cidadania Ativa/EEA Grants

Funchal, 8 de Abril de 2013
A Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, em colaboração com a Universidade da Madeira, convida as Organizações Não Governamentais (ONG) da Região Autónoma da Madeira para a sessão pública de apresentação do Programa Cidadania Ativa/EEA Grants. A sessão terá lugar no dia 8 de Abril de 2013, a partir das 15h00, no Auditório do Colégio dos Jesuítas, Rua dos Ferreiros, Funchal.

Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2013

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Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge is an initiative from Fraunhofer AICOS, whose main objective is to reward the scientific investigation with “practical utility” done in Portuguese Universities.

Among the large number of applications received from all Universities all over the country, our jury chose five finalists - two in MSc and three in PhD. The awarded students were invited to make a public presentation of their ideas in the closing event that happened in the Fraunhofer AICOS building, in Porto, last week.

2013 Int'lYouth Culture and StudyTour na República da China, Taiwan

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2013 Int'lYouth Culture and StudyTour na República da China, Taiwan

Tenho a honra de apresentar a V, Exa. o "2013 Internacional Youth Culture and Study Tour of Taiwan", que tem como objectivo promover o conhecimento geral de Taiwan e apresentar a sua actualidade em todos os seus aspectos a jovens europeus, africanos e taiwaneses, para facilitar a troca de ideias e experiências relativas a actividades dos jovens, fortalecendo assim a amizade internacional e a cooperação entre esses jovens.