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Project Competition for Scientific Research and Technological Development in all Scientific Domains - 2010


 Objectives and priorities

A priority policy of national science and technology growth, strengthening and consolidation of the National Scientific and Technological System (NSTS), making it more competitive in national and international context, streamlining the relationship between knowledge centers and enterprises.

In this context it is particularly relevant to promoting and strengthening the competence of science and technology institutions, through participation of its teams of research projects in scientific research and technological development (IC & DT) in all fields of science.

Beneficiary Entities
They may apply individually or in combination, research teams of the following:

   1. Institutions of higher education, their institutes and R & D Centers;
   2. Associated Laboratories;
   3. State Laboratories;;
   4. Nonprofit private institutions that have as main object of science and technology activities;;
   5. Businesses that are part of projects led by R & D institutions, public or private nonprofit;
   6. Other public and private, nonprofit, developing, or participating in scientific research.

Finantial and Territorial Scope

Territorial scope
The territorial scope of these projects is determined by NUT II Region where there are the Proponent and Participating Institutions.
The Principal Contractor with projects located in Regions II NUT Convergence Objective (North, Centre and Alentejo) are co-financed with funds from the COMPETE - Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, in these cases, the Participating Institutions located in regions outside the Convergence Objective are financed by national funds, through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCES).
Funding for the COMPETE - Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors assumes the nature of non-repayable support of up to 70% of eligible project costs, with the remainder component supported by national funds, or up to 50% for firms, and, in the latter situation Funding will be provided under the Community guidelines on de minimis aid and will only be supported activities in basic and applied research, and the remaining component, up to 50%, supported by national funds. Enterprises located outside the Convergence regions are funded 50% by national funds.
The maximum funding per project is 200,000 .
Budget allocation
The FEDER budget allocated to this contract under the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme is 6.5million euros.

Application Period
Applications must be submitted to the FCT in the English language in its main components, between the 30th of December 2010 and at 17 hours (Lisbon time) on February 24, 2011, in specific application form and submitted electronically through:
It is recommended to read the Guide for preparing and submitting the application, available at:

as well as the Regulations referred in this Edict.
Not be financed projects where / as Researchers / or the responsible staff members exceed 100% of time devoted to research projects funded by FCT.

applications will be accepted where the Investigator has a charge time of dedication to the project less than 35% and each of the remaining members of the team has a long dedication to the project less than 15%.

The same Principal Investigator may not submit the same project to two scientific areas.

No applications will be accepted for projects whose / the IR are in default unjustified regulatory requirements regarding the submission of Scientific Reports of completed projects that have also played the role of IR.

No applications will be accepted for projects whose proponents Institutions (IP) are in default unjustified regulatory requirements regarding the submission of reports on financial implementation or the return of funds transferred to the IP relating to previous projects with the same IR.

Applications that have been submitted in previous contests for which is still in process of decision are not admissible.

The maximum duration of projects to support is three years.

Methodology for Selection of Projects to Support

The evaluation will be conducted by international panels of independent evaluators, consisting of science.

The methodology for selection and prioritization of projects is based on the gauge of Merit of the Project based on the following criteria, which are detailed in Regulation of Access to Financing of Scientific Research and Technological Development:

  1. Scientific merit and novelty of the project with an international perspective;
  2. Scientific merit of the research team;
  3. Feasibility of work plan and budget reasonableness;
  4. Contribution to the accumulation of knowledge and skills of the NSTS (effects and expected results).

For selection and funding decision, the projects will be ranking in descending order of marks obtained in the evaluation process.

Disclosure and Additional Information

This Notice and other material and relevant information, including the Regulation of Access to Financing of Scientific Research and Technological Development-2010 an the Regulations under the Support System Entities of National Scientific and Technological System (SAESCTN), are available at the Foundation for Science and Technology and the site of Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors.

Information on the contents of the application form can be requested via e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Information about computer issues can be requested via e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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