Scientific Research Scholarship for the SAHIB Â Project (Optimizing the availability of health data through multi-institutional multi-agent systems)
Under the Project PTDC/EIA-EIA/105352/2008 - Optimize the availability of health data through multi-institutional multi-agent systems ", funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) can be accepted nominations for the award of a Research Fellowship (BI, according to the Grant Regulations of the University of Porto)
The scholarship has as main objectives, participate in various research tasks of the project, in particular the characterization of needs, information flows and availability of key stakeholders and the model of agents.
Schollarship Duration:
The scholarship will commence on the date of formal commencement of the project and will last 12 months, renewable for equal periods of up to 36 months. The value of the grant is allocated according to the table of values of the Research Fellowships of the FCT.
May apply for this scholarship graduates in the areas of Computing Science, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or similar. Preference given to candidates with experience in programming in R and scientific research experience in areas relevant to the project.
Evaluation criteria:
The Candidates selection will be made on curriculum evaluation and interview to a maximum of 6 candidates that the Selection Committee, after examining the curriculum, they have to understand the profile better suited to the nature of the tasks to perform.
Selection and Nominations:
Applications must be formalized through an application addressed to the Director of the Medicine Faculty, University of Porto, Alameda Professor Hernani Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, giving the name of the project, accompanied by curriculum vitae, from March 29 to 26 April 2010.
Date and form of divulgating the results:
All relevant information will be publicized on the website of the Faculty - http://sigarra.up.pt/fmup in Start / procurement staff.
Transmission of applications:
CINTESIS - Centre for Research in Information Systems and Technologies in Health, Faculty of Medicine of Porto, Al Prof. Hernani Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto;Â
Phone: 22 551 36 22;
Fax: 22 551 36 23
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