Entrada Programs and projects FCT Projects Evaluation and characterization of molecular mechanisms of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions in Coffea sp.

Evaluation and characterization of molecular mechanisms of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions in Coffea sp.

Evaluation and characterization of molecular mechanisms of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions in Coffea sp.

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Evaluation and characterization of molecular mechanisms of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions in Coffea sp. - Central role in control of the oxidative stress level leaf

(Ref. PTDC/AGR-AAM/64078/2006)

Cientific Responsible:
Profª. Doutora Manuela Gouveia ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )


A Universidade da Madeira intervém neste projecto na qualidade de Instituição Participante. O Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical é a Instituição Proponente.

It is intended that this project contribute to understanding at the molecular level, the process of maturation of soursop.