Entrada Events



Virtual Stock Exchange Employment and Entrepreneurship Universia - 1st edition

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Virtual Stock Exchange Employment and Entrepreneurship Universia - 1st edition
Bolsa Virtual de EmpregoEmployment and entrepreneurship are the new challenge of Universia in 2010 to mark a turning point in editions of half Virtual Stock Exchange Employment Universia, an unprecedented initiative in the country aimed at young graduates at the final stage of the course and recent graduates seeking their first job.

The first edition of Virtual Stock Exchange Employment and Entrepreneurship Universia will take place 4-17 May. The show appears with news as a new and more appealing visually, and broadens its spectrum of action with a wider audience, including those seeking employment in a part-time, middle and senior management.


EIRE Broadening Horizons OPEN DAY

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EIRE Broadening Horizons OPEN DAY

UmaRealiza-se dia 21 de Maio o EIRE Broadening Horizons OPEN DAY. Este evento conta com a intervenção de vários personalidades da UMa, e de Universidades estrangeiras e outras organizações.

Doutor Mário Franco (Director do Curso de Estudos Ingleses e Relações Empresariais)
Doutora Alcina Sousa (Coordenadora de ERASMUS do Curso de Estudos Ingleses e Relações Empresariais)
Local: Campus da Penteada (Anfiteatro 3 Piso -2)


Humana People to People and Tvind School Centre Information Meeting - 22nd of May

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Humana People to People and Tvind School Centre Information Meeting - 22nd of May 
Humana People to People and Tvind School Centre invite you to an information meeting in Lisbon on the 22nd of May from 12h till 16h in Externato Séneca, Av. Almirante Reis, nº 73 1º e 2º 1150-012 Lisboa.

Funding Opportunities in FP7 - Program Capacities / Program Space - 2 Jun

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Funding Opportunities in FP7 - Program Capacities / Program Space - 2 Jun

The 7. Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7 or FP7) is the main instrument for funding research in Europe, with an implementation period of 2007-2013, and a budget exceeding 50,000M€. The Office for Promotion of FP7 (GPPQ) is responsible for facilitating the access of Portuguese entities to available funding.



7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR R&TD - UMa Working Meetings - May 3rd

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7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR R&TD - UMa Working Meetings - May 3rd
The GPPQ, in cooperation with University of Madeira, organizes a series of workshops aimed at alerting communities, scientific and business communities, national funding opportunities offered by the forthcoming work programs (WP in 2011) relating to procurement to be published in late July 2010.

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